Компании разрабатывающие 3d принтеры по металлу в россии – Первый 3D-принтер по металлу российского производства по доступной цене


промышленный 3d принтер по металлу российского производства

Координатно-кинематический модуль

Рабочий ход координатного стола вертикального перемещения, мм


Шаг перемещений (дискретность задания ), мкм


Рабочий ход  перемещений  разравнивателя порошка, мм, не менее


Лазерно-оптический модуль

Длина волны, мкм


Средняя мощность, Вт


Точность позиционирования гальваносканера, мкм, не хуже


Скорость позиционирования до, мм/сек.


Поле обработки (сканирования), мм

60х60, 100×100, 250×250

ТВ-система с  выводом увеличенного изображения зоны обработки на монитор


Технологический модуль

Размеры рабочей платформы, не менее, мм


Максимальная температура нагрева рабочей платформы,°С


Блок нанесения и разравнивания слоев порошка


Блок дозатора порошка


Возможность регулировки дозы порошка.

 диапазоне 1-30 см3

Контейнер с порошком для пополнения дозатора


Бункер с контейнером для сбора излишков порошка


Герметичная рабочая камера с системой заполнения и продувки камеры в процессе построения защитным газом


Газовая система (подготовка и подача защитных газов)


Датчик температуры, давления, процентного содержания кислорода в рабочей камере


Датчик процентного содержания кислорода в помещении, Датчик расхода защитного газа


Система пожаротушения


Модуль управления

Система ЧПУ


Пульт управления 

Монитор, клавиатура, «мышь»  

Операционная система


Управляющая программа


3d-printer metal, surpassing foreign analogues

3d-printer to create the engine components and complex metal products.



The first domestic 3d-printer for metal is markedly different from the traditional three-dimensional printing technology. The peculiarity of the Russian plant is, a more advanced delivery system of the Mother. In Russia the development of the laser light is applied to the feed point of the sintered powder. As a result, the printer performance is improved several times. This is especially true for the manufacture of large components of complex shape.

Technology is awaiting funding!


Description 3d-printer for metal

Description metal powders for 3d-printer for metal

Advantages of metal 3d-printer

3d-printer used for metal



Description 3d-printer for metal:

The first domestic 3d-printer metal markedly different from the traditional three-dimensional printing technology. The peculiarity of the Russian plant is, a more advanced delivery system of the Mother. Existing foreign devices, working on selective technology laser melting, perform the task of a relatively long time, sequentially baking model — layer by layer.

The Russian development laser radiation supplied to feed point sinterable powder. As a result, the printer performance is improved several times. This is especially true for the manufacture of large components of complex shape.

Nozzle — a kind crane, where powder is fed printing. It includes a cooling circuit and a gas supply system in the fusion zone.

Russian nozzle option would immediately bake the powder at the site of delivery in the contour of the workpiece. For this optical system is also used for feeding and melting the powder in calculation place.

3d-printer is designed to seal the major elements and components of aircraft engines, made from heat-resistant and refractory metals — supports and combustors.



Traditionally used for the production of these special parts tooling and a lot of time — the production start-up cycle of a particular part may take from 3 to 6 months. When «printing» on the 3d-printer, this takes only about 48 hours.


Description metal powders for 3d-printer for metal:

Currently, the actual problem is the issue of domestic metal powders. In particular, already established Russian powders heat-resistant nickel-based alloy.

the first pilot batch of aluminum powder in Russia also released for 3D-Printer: during the tests, he proved himself better, than the German equivalent, which is used in the 3d-printers. Despite, that the two powders was identical chemical composition, from Russian raw materials to get the item with the best physical attributes.



Advantages of metal 3d-printer:

— a significant reduction in production costs,

providing metallic components and parts with a complicated structure and configuration,

— High performance due to the laser supply in the feed point of the sintered powder — this is especially true for the manufacture of large components of complex shape,

– 3d-printer It has a nozzle, which allows immediate bake powder in place on the workpiece feed circuit,

— more sophisticated material feeding system,

— 3d-printer can replace outdated and costly in engine technology — casting and stamping parts,

— extension of life and reduced maintenance costs due to the technology of additive technologies, which allow you to restore and direct the work of the faulty part.


3d-printer used for metal:

aircraft industry,

manufacture of parts for spacecraft,

engineering and metalworking,

medical industry,

reconditioning of parts.



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